ConverSayShons Wit My Black Self: Colloquialism Professionally Matters!
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It's about the effective understanding and relatability of Colloquialism and Transparency. It’s about influencing a positive relationship with oneself for mental, emotional, and spiritual GoODness. It's about living presently forward with a healthy perspective that supports your choice of what can happen, despite what has happened.
Mental note: Scientific Jargon is better understood and received by some, while Colloquial Expression is better understood and embraced by others; one-style-doesn’t-fit-all.
ConverSayShons Wit My Black Self: Colloquialism Professionally Matters!
Let's ConVerSay About ... The Person, Intent, & The Mind!
Season 2
Episode 27
- When your story has gaps, take time to reflect, research and figure out the what, why, who, etc., so that you can work on "change" to move forward.
- When you create an issue and a problem that didn't exist, you end up with an issue and a problem that didn't have to exist if you hadn't created it!
- Evil is what evil does!
- Some people, maybe even YOU, need to go and be therap-IZED, psycholog-IZED, psychiatr-IZED, counsel-IZED, and/or baptIZED and bornAGAIN!
#RestYourMindandStopThinkingSoMuch! #ItsOkToBeThoughtlessSometimes!